The Voyager: Encouragement for Life's Journey
Below you will find articles from our Church's leadership meant to encourage you and give you insight into questions about life, faith, and God.
Don't ever give up in praying for your family!
I have a grandson who has been having a problem giving up drugs. He spent some time in jail and while there, accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized! He was fanatically saved and as soon as he was able to, they moved him to a Christian rehab house. He moved forward in the Lord but as temptations arose he gave in and had to go back to jail to finish this time. After he got out again, he struggled with temptations and moved away from the Lord. God is faithful and caused his insurance company to move him to a rehab in Florida near his dad. He is now back walking with the Lord and doing great. They're moving him forward in the program at a fast pace. When he leaves there, his plans are to live with his dad and make his home in Florida. This is an answer to a prayer to get him away from the influences in the state where he was. I believe that God has great plans to use this young man in His kingdom work. Don't give up in praying for your families! It's in God's timing that your prayers will be answered.
March 2021